Signature Programmes
The eHCL Programme @ CHS
This 3-year enriched Higher Chinese (eHCL) Programme runs from Primary 4 to Primary 6 and is based on MOE’s Higher Chinese curriculum which incorporates greater emphasis on higher order thinking. It is designed to stretch and deepen pupils’ proficiency in Higher Chinese. Lessons will be enriched with differentiated learning experiences to engage our pupils. These activities include designing language games, exploring language use through different forms of media and participating in the Reading Carnival organised by the Gifted Education Branch.
The eHCL Programme is conducted during curriculum time, together with pupils in the Gifted Education Programme. This allows for more diverse interactions and engaging discussions for all our pupils. The class size for this programme is about 30 pupils and movement between teaching venues is to be expected. Pupils in the eHCL programme continue to sit for the same set of school-based assessment as their Primary 4 peers who are taking Higher Chinese.
Here are some examples of the learning experiences for pupils in the eHCL programme:
Pupils designed board games for P4 Reading Carnival
P5 pupils participated in the annual Chinese Cultural Camp to pique their interest in different Chinese cultures and arts.( Making Ang Ku Kueh)
P4 Chinese Cultural Camp (拼字游戏)
Learning Beyond the Classroom
At CHS, having the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom plays an important role for our GEP pupils. We believe that learning is not just confined to the four walls of the classroom; experiential learning goes beyond that so as to contextualise pupils’ learning back in school and to broaden their horizons. Here are some Learning Journeys and fun activities that our pupils have taken part in.